Day 17:  Vienna to Munich

I got almost enough sleep again in the bathroom.  I wasn't taking any chances.  I tried to nap on the short ride to Munich.

In Munich we found a food place and had some real food.  Bratwurst, beer and sautéed mushrooms for me.  We walked around a bit and waited for the Glockenspiel to go off at 4pm like Tony promised it would.  It didn't.  We checked a few guidebooks and the correct time for the display was 5pm.

Oktoberfest was a mean rager!  So many people getting drunk in one place.  Many photos were taken of me wearing Jason's electric devil horns and rolling my eyes back like the Undertaker.  We were supposed to meet the coach at 9:30pm, so I went to the bathroom and made it out there with plenty of time to spare.  The problem is that I couldn't find the coach, which I agree was in a can't miss location.  I was perplexed, and on top of that my horns fell off and broke.  After 45 minutes of walking back and forth I figured the coach wasn't waiting for me any longer, so I took a taxi home for ~US$80.  Tony had said it might make more sense just to take a train directly to Hopfgarten but I didn't want to miss whitewater rafting.  Strangely, I made it to the hotel in Munich before the coach did.

Glockenspiel, 4 minutes after nothing happened

Shervo and Tony deciding how many points this pedestrian is worth

Translation:  "Welcome to a labyrinth so confounding that you will not be able to find the pickup point"

Inside the Löwenbräu tent




Jason is forced to join the Löwenbräu staff after breaking far too many steins

No underwear or bras allowed in here...this may explain how Sam's Hofbrau in East LA got its name
